File (File)
ImagickTemplate pub (Imagick Imposition Template)
ImpositionJob (Imagick Imposition Job)
Job (Job)
JobCheck pub (Job Check)
JobCheckResult (Job Check Result)
JobFixup pub (Job Fixup)
JobFixupResult (Job Fixup Result)
JobSeparation pub (Separation)
MarksTemplate pub (PDF Marks Template)
MarksTemplateInfo pub (PDF Marks Template Info)
OneOnOneJob (OneOnOne Job)
OneOnOneTemplate pub (OneOnOne PDF Template)
PBNLabelsJob (PBNLabels Job)
Product pub (Product)
RestfulFeedback (Restful Feedback)
Sheet (Sheet)
Slot (Slot)
Template pub (PDF Template)
Collection options:
Property | Type | Title | Description |
_locale | String | Locale | Locale such as "en_US", "de_DE", "it_IT", "ru_RU", "uk_UA", "sl_SI", "ko_KR" |
_pageNo | Integer | Page number | Page number |
_perPage | Integer | Items quantity per page | Items quantity per page |
_sort | String | Sort by |
i.e. _sort=PriceAmount-,ID means sort by PriceAmount descending and ID ascending |
_view_collection or _view_list |
String | First level items view |
_view_collection - Force view first level items as collection _view_list - Force view first level items as list (this option is used by default) |
Filter options:
Filter type | Operator | Title | Description |
_eq | = | Equal |
It is default operator. Expression like
PriceAmount_eq=100or simple PriceAmount=100finds objects with price amount that equals 100 |
_lt | < | Less than |
PriceAmount_lt=100finds objects with price amount less than 100 |
_lteq | <= | Less than or equal |
PriceAmount_lteq=100finds objects with price amount less than or equal 100 |
_gt | > | Greater than |
PriceAmount_gt=100finds objects with price amount greater than 100 |
_gteq | >= | Greater than or equal |
PriceAmount_gteq=100finds objects with price amount greater than or equal 100 |
Output options:
Property | Type | Title | Description |
_outFormat | String | Output file format |
possible values:
_outFormat=csv |
_outType | String | Output type |
The way to get data:
_outType=file |
Filter example:,ID&PriceAmount_gt=70&PriceAmount_lteq=100
will find File objects with price amount greater than 70 and less than or equal 100 sorted by price amount descending and id ascending accepting objects on page 2 with maximum quantity 24