


File (File)
ImagickTemplate pub (Imagick Imposition Template)
ImpositionJob (Imagick Imposition Job)
Job (Job)
JobCheck pub (Job Check)
JobCheckResult (Job Check Result)
JobFixup pub (Job Fixup)
JobFixupResult (Job Fixup Result)
JobSeparation pub (Separation)
MarksTemplate pub (PDF Marks Template)
MarksTemplateInfo pub (PDF Marks Template Info)
OneOnOneJob (OneOnOne Job)
OneOnOneTemplate pub (OneOnOne PDF Template)
PBNLabelsJob (PBNLabels Job)
Product pub (Product)
RestfulFeedback (Restful Feedback)
Sheet (Sheet)
Slot (Slot)
Template pub (PDF Template)


OneOnOne Job

+ + - -
Property Type C R U Title Description
AllowBlockRotation Boolean + + - Allow Block Rotation
BleedBoxHeight Float + + - Bleed Box Height
BleedBoxWidth Float + + - Bleed Box Width
BleedOffsetBottom Float + + - Bleed Offset Bottom
BleedOffsetLeft Float + + - Bleed Offset Left
BleedOffsetRight Float + + - Bleed Offset Right
BleedOffsetTop Float + + - Bleed Offset Top
Created String + + - Created
CropMarkGap Float + + - Crop Mark Gap
CropMarkLength Float + + - Crop Mark Length
CropMarkWidth Float + + - Crop Mark Width
CropMarksStrategy String("All,OutterOnly,None","All") + + - Crop Marks Strategy
Description String(128) + + - Description
DestURL String(512) - + - Dest URL
Details String - + - Details
Height Float - + - Height
ID Int - + - ID
ImposingJobID Int + + - Imposing Job ID
InkCoverage String - + - Ink Coverage
JobFixupResults JobFixupResult - + - Job Fixup Results
LastEdited String - + - Last Edited
LayoutHeight Float + + - Layout Height
LayoutOffsetBottom Float + + - Layout Offset Bottom
LayoutOffsetLeft Float + + - Layout Offset Left
LayoutWidth Float + + - Layout Width
MediaBoxHeight Float - + - Media Box Height
MediaBoxWidth Float - + - Media Box Width
Message String(512) - + - Message
MessageCode String(128) - + - Message Code
MessageType String(40) - + - Message Type
OneOnOneTemplateID Int + + - One On One Template ID
OneOnOneTemplateJSON String + + - One On One Template JSON
Placement String("LB,LC,LT,CT,RT,RC,RB,RC,CC","LT") + + - Placement
PlacementStartPosition String("CutMarks,BleedBox,TrimBox","CutMarks") + + - Placement Start Position
Previews File - + - Previews
ProductID Int + + - Product ID
Progress Float - + - Progress
Reports File - + - Reports
ResultOneOnOneTemplate OneOnOneTemplate - + - Result One On One Template
ResultOneOnOneTemplateID Int - + - Result One On One Template ID
RotationAngle Int + + - Rotation Angle
Separations JobSeparation - + - Separations
SeparationsCount Int - + - Separations Count
SourceURL String(512) + + - Source URL
StepAndRepeatGapX Float + + - Step And Repeat Gap X
StepAndRepeatGapY Float + + - Step And Repeat Gap Y
Strategy String("Greedy,Fast,StepAndRepeat","Greedy") + + - Strategy
TrimBoxHeight Float - + - Trim Box Height
TrimBoxWidth Float - + - Trim Box Width
Width Float - + - Width



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