


File (File)
ImagickTemplate pub (Imagick Imposition Template)
ImpositionJob (Imagick Imposition Job)
Job (Job)
JobCheck pub (Job Check)
JobCheckResult (Job Check Result)
JobFixup pub (Job Fixup)
JobFixupResult (Job Fixup Result)
JobSeparation pub (Separation)
MarksTemplate pub (PDF Marks Template)
MarksTemplateInfo pub (PDF Marks Template Info)
OneOnOneJob (OneOnOne Job)
OneOnOneTemplate pub (OneOnOne PDF Template)
PBNLabelsJob (PBNLabels Job)
Product pub (Product)
RestfulFeedback (Restful Feedback)
Sheet (Sheet)
Slot (Slot)
Template pub (PDF Template)


JSON response example:

    "result" : false,
    "code" : 2,
    "message" : "Token invalid"

Token messages:

Code Type Description
0 success Logged in
1 error Authentication fail
2 error Token invalid
3 error Token expired

Processing messages:

Code Type Description
101 error Object type not found
102 error Wrong HTTP method
103 error Malformed JSON
201 error Could not create the object
202 error Could not create list of the objects
203 error Could not update the object
204 error Could not update list of the objects
301 error Could not find the object
302 error Could not find the objects
401 error Could not delete the object
402 error Could not delete the objects
403 error Could not delete all objects